How we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children & young people with SEN

We adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEN:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum where barriers to inclusion are removed. Work is differentiated and matched to the needs of the children with a range of teaching styles.
  • Support Plans are put in place where appropriate to identify specific needs and to support.
  • Specific interventions for maths and English to support dyscalculia, dyslexia etc.
  • Specialist support and advice from outside agencies e.g. Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language therapy, Emotional and Wellbeing Learning team etc.
  • Differentiated materials and resources.
  • Each class has a Teacher and a HLTA to support the children’s learning.
  • We have a quiet/safe space which allows children time and space if they need it for their emotional wellbeing or space to learn which is quieter than the classroom.
  • We have trained members of staff who can deliver daily Speech and Language interventions following advice from SALT team.
  • We use Speech and Language Link to identify specific areas of need and deliver appropriate interventions to support this.
  • ‘Time for Children’ sessions are available in school from a trained member of staff as and when needed.
  • We have staff trained in various social and emotional therapies such as counselling and Lego therapy etc.
  • Movement sessions working on gross motor skills and sensory processing are available for identified children.
  • Regular fine motor activities and interventions run throughout the school.
  • Children are allowed and encouraged to have sensory or movement breaks when needed.
  • Trained staff are able to provide some physiotherapy session and specific motor skills interventions.
  • We engage with specialist support from outside agencies e.g. Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Specialist Nursing staff from the NHS.
  • Access to ICT.
  • Additional in and out of class support.
  • Enrichment opportunities to stimulate and motivate learning.
  • Broad range of extra-curricular activities.
  • ‘Booster’ sessions.
  • Application for additional support arrangements during national tests where appropriate.

All teaching and support staff are given opportunities to improve their practice and develop their understanding of SEN issues through a comprehensive system of staff training. Staff training is driven by the particular needs of our children and this helps us to meet them as fully as possible. Some training is carried out within school during staff meetings and Professional Development Days and other training is external. The school also accesses training provided by the Community of Learning.

The school’s SENDCO regularly attends the Local Authority’s SENDCO Network Meeting to keep up to date with local and national updates in SEND.

More details on how we adapt information, our environment and curriculum can be found in the Accessibility Plan which you ca find in the School Policies section of our website.