Ethos and Vision

At St. John’s C of E Primary School, our whole school Vision Statement is:

Achieving Our Potential as God’s Children

This reflects our strongly Christian ethos and vision where every member of our school community – pupils, parents, staff and governors – has a role to play in ensuring every person flourishes as a child of God.  Our vision guides us in all that we hope to be, enabling every part of our community to grow and thrive.  With this in mind, we create opportunities for each one of us to develop in body, mind and spirit in order to experience the joy and hope of the words of Jesus, to:

“live life in all its fullness” (John chapter 10 verse 10).

We also believe that, as God’s children, He has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives.  At St. John’s, our aim is to help and support each child and adult to begin to explore and be part of the plans God has for them.  Another important Bible verse is found in Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

This is supported by our Mission Statement:

  • To provide a secure and happy working environment in which all pupils are allowed to succeed,  achieve their full potential, flourishing as God’s children.
  • To meet the needs of all pupils through excellent teaching and learning opportunities supported by quality resources.
  • To develop the intellectual, creative, emotional, physical and spiritual aspect of each pupil.
  • To have care and respect for others at the heart of the school.
  • To reflect the broad spectrum of Christian attitudes and beliefs in keeping with a Church of England School.
  • To work in partnership with all pupils, parents and the wider community to develop a shared vision based on mutual trust and respect.

The Headteacher, Staff and Governors all work together to support this statement.