Collective Worship at St. John’s Primary School is an integral part of who we are and what makes our school such a special place. All children and adults in school look forward to our daily times of worship together. There are many occasions in our times of praise and worship when we know and sense the presence of God in a tangible way, helping us to focus on God and give Him the worship He deserves.
Collective Worship is not something we do, but it is something we are part of – something that causes us to respond with adoration to our loving God. We are drawn together as God’s children to worship God the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Have a look at our current Collective Worship Plans for the Autumn Term, which we have based on Roots and Fruits – a creative Collective Worship resource focused on Christian Values.
Collective Worship Plans 2023-2024
Collective Worship PowerPoints – Autumn 2023
Take a look at this selection of PowerPoint presentations staff have been using to help us in our times of worship together.
Aut 1 Wk 1 WED 13.9.23. GENEROSITY Loving Others as Ourselves
Aut 1 Wk 1 THURS 14.9.23. Chaplain GENEROSITY Loving Others
Aut 1 Wk 3 WED 27.9.23. GENEROSITY Giving Cheerfully
Aut 1 Wk 8 25.10.23. GENEROSITY Amazing Creation
Wk 2 Aut 2 WED 15.11.23. COMPASSION Being a Good Neighbour
Aut 2 Wk 4 29.11.23. COMPASSION Having the Courage to Care
Aut 2 Wk 6 13.12.23. COMPASSION God of the Unexpected
Collective Worship – Ideas for Home
In our acts of Collective Worship each half term, we think about a different Christian Value and what it means to us in school. Please have a look at the following resource ideas for home which link with our themes.
Archived Collective Worship
You can view our archived Collective Worship on our website.