Collective Worship at St. John’s Primary School is an integral part of who we are and what makes our school such a special place. All children and adults in school look forward to our daily times of worship together. There are many occasions in our times of praise and worship when we know and sense the presence of God in a tangible way, helping us to focus on God. Opportunities are available for us to think about and develop our own sense of spirituality.
Collective Worship is not something we do, but it is something we are part of – something that causes us to respond to our loving God. We are drawn together as God’s children to worship God as the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
This is how we organise our Collective Worship sessions each week:
Monday – Whole school praise and worship
Tuesday – Whole school collective worship led by Revd. Carol, Revd. Emma, Mrs Pallister (HT) or Mr Kay (DHT)
Wednesday – Whole school collective worship led by class teachers
Thursday – Catherine Simpson (our school chaplain) and our Worship Warriors
Friday – Whole school Celebration Worship
In addition, we are occasionally joined by friends of our school – Revd. David Payne, the Methodist Minister in Shildon, and Pastor John Campbell, a retired minister from a local church.
This is the collective worship plan for this current half term:
‘Come let us bow down in worship.’
(Psalm 95:6)