Year 4 Staff
Mr Winter – Class Teacher
Mrs Eltringham – HLTA
Hi my name is Mrs. Eltringham and I’m a HLTA in year 4. I’ve worked at St. John’s for over 22 years and have spent time in a number of different year groups from nursery through to year 6.
My favourite subjects are English, Science, Geography and History and I also enjoy PE.
I have 4 grown up children, Jack, Lewis, Grace and Georgia. I have a lovely dog called Luna and a very lazy cat called Alfie.
I have a massive love of all animals and at home I love going for long walks with my dog and occasionally other people’s dogs too.
Mrs Rose – School Support Assistant
My name is Mrs Rose and I work in Year 4. I’ve worked at St John’s for a long time – 25 years! I am always there to give extra help and support both within class and in small group interventions. My specialist area is Speech, language and phonics. I also really love English and History.
At home I have a lovely little dog called Darcey and we enjoy long walks together.
Year 4 Important Information
Homework in Year 4 will be as follows:
Monday – Spellings to learn for Friday’s spelling test (children can practise their spellings at home as many times as they wish during the week, choosing the best method that works for them).
Friday – Times Table sheet to be brought back on the following Monday. Children can also practise and learn all Times Tables facts from 1×1 up to 12×12.
PE Lessons
Physical Education is a compulsory part of the school curriculum, therefore all Year 4 children need to come to school in their PE kit in school every Monday and Wednesday (Swimming).
Children’s PE kit consists of:
– plain black t-shirt
– plain black shorts, leggings or joggers
– trainers or plimsolls.
Children can wear their red school jumpers over their plain black t-shirts in colder weather.
Reading Books
Most children in Year 4 will not be receiving a regular weekly reading book. We are encouraging children to become more independent readers.
Children will be choosing their own books and reading during our daily in-class ‘Accelerated Reader’ sessions, which are matched exactly to their reading ability. Every child will be heard reading regularly in class in our Accelerated Reader sessions and Guided Reading Group sessions where adults regularly assess and monitor your child’s progress.
To help children make further progress in reading, a small group of pupils have been chosen to do Rapid Reading.
Multiplication Times Table Check – June 2024
This is just a quick reminder that all Year 4 children in England will be taking part in an online Times Table Check which will take place in June. Please read this letter for more information OR speak to Mr Winter.
Attendance & Punctuality
At St. John’s Primary School, we are committed to providing pupils with the best educational opportunities available. To enable pupils to benefit from these opportunities it is essential that parents ensure their regular attendance.
The impact on children’s education through poor attendance, resulting in lost learning, is huge! Our children have already had their education disrupted due to the pandemic and every minute in school counts! To prevent anyone falling behind with their learning, we need to continue to work together to make sure that your child is in school and on time every day. We encourage all of our children to be at school for 8.40am for a prompt start to the day.
Finally, if you have any questions or need any further information about anything to do with school, please ask!
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Mr Winter, Mrs Eltringham & Mrs Rose
Click on the link below to view the topics that will be taught this academic year.