We have always had very strong links with St. John’s Church in Shildon. Revd. Carol Harris is our Vicar and she joined the parish in Summer 2020. Revd. Emma Harte is the Curate at St. John’s Church. Revd. Carol and Revd. Emma come into school fortnightly to lead us in whole school Collective Worship, as well as welcoming us into St. John’s Church every half term.
We attend many services in Church including: Harvest, Christingle, Easter and an End of Year Service.
Many different groups of children of all ages help to plan and deliver Collective Worship and our Eucharist Services.
Parents and Carers have always been made very welcome to attend all services in Church and at school.
Catherine Simpson – School Chaplain
Since September 2023, we have been very fortunate at St. John’s to be have been joined by our new School Chaplain, Catherine. As part of her role in school, she leads weekly collective worship on Thursdays, she runs a Chaplaincy leadership group which will focus on Prayer Spaces and Reflection Areas, as well as improving our spiritual garden. Catherine also works closely with leaders in school to enhance and develop our Christian Distinctiveness as a Church school. She also offers a ‘listening ear’ to any child and adult at playtimes and lunchtimes. We are very blessed to have Catherine as part of our team here at St. John’s.