Year 6 Staff
Mr Ward – Class Teacher
Hello, I am Mr. Ward. I am the Year 6 class teacher at St John’s. I work in Year 6 with Mrs Allen. This is my fourth full year teaching at St John’s, or anywhere for that matter! St John’s was one of my placement schools when I was doing my teacher training and I was lucky enough to secure a job here and have been here ever since. After being in and out of numerous schools during my training year, I am 100% sure that St John’s is the best of the best and it is hard to imagine ever working anywhere else!
As well as being the Year 6 class teacher I am also the subject lead for PE which is great for me considering I absolutely love playing and watching all sports.
I am a keen football and Newcastle United fan and I play for my local football team on a Saturday. As well as football, I have been doing CrossFit (I will avoid trying to explain what it is, googling it is much easier!) for just over a year and attend a local CrossFit gym most weeknights. best educational opportunities available. To enable pupils to benefit from these opportunities it is essential that parents ensure their regular attendance.
Mrs Allen – Enhanced Teaching Assistant
Hello, my name is Mrs Allen and I work in year 6.
St John’s was my placement school during my training and I was lucky enough to secure a job here. I absolutely love working with the children, my aim being to make learning exciting, memorable and enjoyable whilst supporting them to reach the best of their ability.
I am married with two young boys and I have a little sausage dog called Olly. My favourite thing in the world is spending time with my family.
Year 6 Important Information
Hopefully this short document will provide you with any key information you may require and if there are any resulting questions please do not hesitate to contact the school and ask to speak to Mr. Ward.
Monday – Children will receive a spelling worksheet with their weekly spellings on to bring home. These spellings are to be learnt for the weekly spelling test later in the week (Thursday for some children and Friday for others – depending on the spelling group).
We do not expect spelling sheets to be returned to school. Any form of reading at home will be extremely beneficial, whether this be a magazine, newspaper or their favourite collection of books, or their Accelerated Reading book from school and children will be provided with a Year 5/6 spelling word list that they can practice from.
PE Lessons
Physical Education continues to be a compulsory part of the school curriculum; therefore, all children are required to come to school in their PE kit on Tuesday (Swimming) and Wednesday.
At the moment children’s PE kit is as follows:
plain white t-shirt or polo shirt
black, grey or navy tracksuit bottoms
trainers or plimsolls
It is also advised that children bring a jumper in the colder months as where possible PE will be done outside due to current circumstances.
Reading Books
We are encouraging children to become more independent readers. Children will be choosing their own books and reading during our daily in-class ‘Accelerated Reader’ sessions, the children are able to bring these books home to read, however they must be returned daily for use in class.
Every child will be heard reading regularly in class in our Accelerated Reader sessions and Guided Reading Group sessions where adults regularly assess and monitor your child’s progress.
Attendance & Punctuality
At St. John’s Primary School, we are committed to providing pupils with the best educational opportunities available. To enable pupils to benefit from these opportunities it is essential that parents ensure their regular attendance.
The impact on children’s education through poor attendance, resulting in lost learning, is huge! Our children have already had their education disrupted due to the pandemic and every minute in school counts! To prevent anyone falling behind with their learning, we need to continue to work together to make sure that your child is in school and on time every day. We encourage all of our children to be at school for 8.40am for a prompt start to the day.
KS2 Statutory Assessments – SATs
As I am sure you are aware, Year 6 is a very important year in your child’s development and at the end of the year they will be sitting their SATs. I am in no doubt that when the time comes, all of the children in Year 6 will be sufficiently prepared due to their amazing opportunities to learn and their own hard work. It is important that children understand that any work they do from now to then is not only to prepare them for their SATs but is vital for their next steps in education as they go off to secondary school.
Additional Information
Mr Ward is the class teacher for Year 6 and Mrs Allen is the Support Assistant that works with us. Finally, if you have any questions about anything this document has covered or anything else please do get in touch at your earliest convenience.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Mr Ward and Mrs Allen
Click on the link below to view the topics that will be taught this academic year.