Full Re-opening of School on Monday 8th March 2021

Important Information to all parents: A reminder and updated information.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are looking forward to welcoming all pupils back to school. They have all been greatly missed! Please be assured that all of the many protective measures that were in place from September until January are continuing in exactly the same way.  

We do understand, that as parents, you may still have some anxieties or concerns about your child’s return to school. Please contact us via telephone or email if you have any specific concerns that you would like to talk through, or any help or support that you or your child may require.

The following information is there to provide you with a reference to the key points around the return to school. We will continue to keep this updated if things change and provide further guidance.

Risk Assessment

  • The ‘whole school’ risk assessment will be on the school website prior to full re-opening. This shows the full measures we have taken for opening.

Attendance and Punctuality

  • The Government have repeated the fact that attendance is mandatory, not optional.
  • Although they have different starting and finish times we look forward to seeing all pupils from Nursery to Year 6.
  • Parents must telephone school if their child will be absent due to illness, and to give reasons why.
  • Further information on attendance is included in the following ‘Policy’ leaflets and links to Attendance on the school website. Please familiarise yourself with this information.

Daily Routine (Summary)

  • Drop off and Pick up times will continue to be staggered with only one parent/carer allowed to do this at the school gate. The Head teacher and Staff will monitor the safe entry of pupils to the school building.
  • Please follow the allocated times listed below (not earlier or later), unless by prior arrangement with Mr Farnell.

Year 5 and Year 6
8.30am to 2.40pm

8.35am and 2.45pm

Year 3 and Year 4
8.40am to 2.50pm

Nursery (Morning) / Nursery (Afternoon)
8.45am to 11.45am     12.15 to 3.15pm    

Year 1 and Year 2
8.50am to 3.00pm

  • We have allocated a waiting area just inside the school premises but away from the building. There are yellow spots at the front of school for parents to stand whilst waiting for their child.
  • Please continue to stand in the same place every day.
  • The children will be sent to their parent/carer in order so please be patient.
  • When leaving the premises please maintain social distancing
  • Please do not drive cars into the entrance road for drop off or pick up. There are now yellow lines to prevent this. This is for the safety of all children!
  • Parents may be permitted to enter the building if invited, masks and should be worn and social distancing maintained.
  • Staff should still not be approached at the beginning or end of the day to talk about any issue as we would prefer communication with Staff through email or telephone. If there are issues that have occurred during the day staff may approach you and find a safe place or distance to talk.
  • Parents should avoid coming onto the school site at any other time unless invited.

Additional Information about Grouping and Organisation

Class Grouping, Teaching and Learning:

  • The children will remain in their Class group throughout the day, including playtimes and lunchtimes.
  • Teachers and other staff are allocated to each Class group.
  • Children will be assigned a desk and equipment to use where they will sit throughout the day.
  • Children in Y1 to Y6 will be sitting facing the front of the classroom.
  • We will continue to teach an enriched, broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Break and lunch times are also staggered to ensure social distancing can be adhered to as much as possible.
  • There will be no ‘Whole School Activities’ in the Hall.
  • Pupils will be expected to follow all school rules, including those introduced as a result of the current pandemic.

School Uniform, PE Kit and other items:

  • School Uniform should be worn each day. It is essential that each item is clearly named.
  • Please ensure your child has a coat or jacket for Outdoor play, every day.
  • PE Kit should be worn to school on the following days:

·        Reception: Friday

·        Year 1: Monday and Thursday

·        Year 2: Tuesday and Thursday

·        Year 3: Monday and Friday

·        Year 4: Thursday

·        Year 5: Monday

·        Year 6: Thursday

  • All children will need a Filled Water Bottle. This should be clearly named and returned home every day for a wash and refill. A reminder that this should be water and not juice.
  • Please do not bring any other items in to school including scooters and bikes.


  • If your child is entitled to a free school meal they will be able to have a free lunch from school.
  • If your child is in Year 1 or Year 2, a ‘universal’ free school lunch will be provided.
  • Parents can purchase a school lunch via Parent Pay.
  • If your child does bring a packed lunch from home, please be careful about what you put into the lunch box.Please use a lunch bag (Carrier Bag) that can will be easily stored in the classroom and moved to the dining room. Preferably no large rucksacks.
  • Please do not give your children ‘too much’ as time is currently limited.
  • All items must be things that they can open themselves. Please check! Staff or other children cannot help them.

Changes to other School based activities:


  • There will be no After School Clubs until further notice.
  • There will be no events for parents.
  • Breakfast Club: we are planning to resume this as soon as possible, although initially we will have restrictions on numbers. Please speak to Mr Farnell should you require a place.
  • There will be no whole school Collective Worship or Church Services.
  • Collective Worship will be class based.

Health Guidance


  • An enhanced cleaning regime will be in operation.
  • Routines will continue to be in place for regular handwashing throughout the day.
  • ‘Catch it, kill it, bin it’ approach to respiratory hygiene.
  • Minimising contact between individuals.
  • Staff may be wearing PPE at specific times. Staff must wear PPE to administer close First Aid or to supervise the isolation of a symptomatic child if 2m distancing cannot be maintained.

Response to infection: (Summary)

  • Parents and Carers must be willing to take part in the NHS track and trace process.
  • If your child shows any signs of illness we will call you and you must collect your child immediately.
  • If your child shows any symptoms they will be placed in supervised isolation whilst they wait for you to arrive.
  • Symptomatic children and the members of their household must be tested. (We have a small supply of home testing kits. These are for exceptional circumstances only.)
  • If the test is negative for all members of the household, then the child can return to school. Evidence of a test result is required immediately. A child or adult who has a confirmed case would be required to self-isolate for seven days. The household would be required to self-isolate for fourteen days.
  • Where there is a confirmed case within a Class, the children and staff within that Class would be sent home to isolate for fourteen days following the ‘Stay at home Guidance’. The other household members would not need to self-isolate unless the child displayed symptoms and subsequently tested positive.
  • In the event of a confirmed case, School will receive support from the local health protection team.
  • In the event of a Local Lockdown, school would be in regular contact with Public Health England and further advice would be issued accordingly.

Finally, to help us support your children and your family, please remember:

We require the names and telephone numbers of at least two emergency contacts. If you need to update the information we have for you, please call the School Office.

Follow all social distancing protocols as part of the Government guidance.

If you wish to communicate with staff, please call the School Office.

Our continued very best wishes to you all

Mr Andrew Farnell (Head Teacher)
Mrs Nicola Pallister (Deputy Headteacher)
Mr Andrew Kay (Deputy Headteacher)
Alison Tweddle (Chair of Governors)


Important Information to All Parents

Public Health England – Letter to Parents and Guardians

NHS Guidance

Parents/Carers guide to Covid 19: Absence

Can my child go to school today?