Autumn Term 2018

Stone Age

During Autumn Term Sarah and Lyndsay came into school to give Year 3 a Stone Age experience. We made homemade porridge with fresh berries and honey. We also made our own shelters and started fires to help cook our fresh fish.


Summer 2018

Litter picking and planting at the War memorial

Year 3 having a fantastic day at Redworth Road, taking part in litter picking and planting on the grassed area near the memorial and planters.

Spring 2018

Music Concert – Year 3 and Year 5

Wow … a musical extravaganza!  On Thursday 1st February, we were treated to a special Music concert performed by children from Years 3 and 5.  We were joined by over 50 parents and friends who enjoyed the Year 3 recorder playing and Year 5 brass playing.  Both classes also entertained us with a couple of songs to showcase their musical talent!

Autumn Term 2017

Ordering Numbers

This week year 3 have been learning all about place value! On Thursday we were given a challenge. We all wrote a 3 digit number on our whiteboard. We then had to work as part of a team to create a giant, human number line, which started from the smallest number to the largest. It was a little confusing but Zeke and Logan were good leaders and organised us perfectly!

Prehistoric Day

On Tuesday 26th September, John from Durham University visited our school to teach us about prehistoric times. We had a fun day learning about the Stone, Iron and Bronze ages! John brought in artefacts which were thousands of years old! We learned how archaeologists study skeletons and we saw a real life skeleton … some of us were a little scared! Finally, we did some art work and made some creative Iron Age coins.

Our Summer Holidays

This week year 3 have been excited to write about all the fun and exciting things they did whilst they were on their summer holidays! We created our own postcards and designed our own stamps. We were so proud of our postcards we created a display in the classroom!

Being Creative

Year 3 have been getting messy this week creating model pyramids fit for a Pharaoh!

Year 3 were given the challenge to create a model of the biggest and best 3D pyramid they could using only marshmallows, midget gems and spaghetti. The children worked in groups to try and build a sturdy model that wasn’t going to fall down. Once we created our models Mr Kay came in to judge who was the best.

Writing and Performing Poetry

In English year 3 have written their own shape poems about Volcanoes linked to our natural disasters topic. We then performed our shape poems to the rest of the class. The rest of the class listened very carefully and then told us what they enjoyed most about our poems. We loved our poems so much we decided to create a volcano display showing off our work.


As part of P.E. in Summer Term 1 year 3 have had the opportunity to take part in 5 rugby sessions with Rob the rugby coach. During this time, year 3 were able to learn new skills and to learn the rules of touch rugby. We also developed previous skills we have such as throwing and catching and most importantly being able to work as part of a team. We had lots of fun! Thank you Rob!

Hardwick Park

On Thursday 4th May Year 3 went on a visit to Hardwick Park to take part in an outdoor adventurous activity session. We had a morning filled with excitement and adventure. We firstly took part in an orienteering activity, where children had to work in teams to read maps and to find the secret, hidden word. We then took part in a team building exercise … obviously Miss Clarey’s team won! Our final activity was bird watching. We had a lovely walk around the beautiful park looking at all the wildlife that lives there. We had lots of fun and couldn’t have asked for better weather!

Cycling with Marcus

In the second half of Spring term year 3 had the opportunity to develop their cycling skills with Marcus. We have all enjoyed this experience and lots of children who could not ride a bike at first are now confident bike riders!

Thank you Marcus!

History – Life and Death in Ancient Egypt

On Friday 31st March year 3 visited the Oriental Museum in Durham to learn all about the Ancient Egyptians. We had an extremely fun day and we did lots of fun activities such as handling Egyptian artefacts and dressing up as Ancient Egyptians.

The best part of all was seeing a REAL Ancient Egyptian mummy!


As part of E-Safety week in February year 3 and 4 invited parents to come and watch their assembly they had put together showing off all their knowledge they had learned about being safe online.

Year 3 started off our assembly with their ‘SMART’ rules of how we can all be safe online. The year 4 took over with their rendition of One Direction’s ‘That’s what makes you beautiful’.

We had lots of fun putting our assembly together and also learning about how we can be safe online.

Thank you to those parents who came and showed their support.

Stone Age Survival

On 31st October 2016 Sarah and Lyndsey came into our classroom to teach us all about Stone Age Survival! Most of our day was spent outdoors and we had lots of fun pretending that we lived in the Stone Age. Our first task was to build a Stone Age shelter from leaves, branches and natural materials we could find on the field. The next task was to learn how to light fires – we need to keep warm in our homes! Then finally we had a Stone Age feast, which consisted of yummy, smelly fish!

We loved our Stone Age Day! Thank you to Sarah and Lyndsey for coming in to teach us all about it!

Ancient Egyptians

Year 3 have loved learning about the Ancient Egyptians this half term. We have particularly enjoyed the gruesome aspects of the topic and how rich people and Pharaohs were mummified.
From this, in pairs, we created our own canopic jars to store organs of the person who has been mummified in.
The first job we had to do was to pick which of the four canopic jars we wanted to recreate.
Once we did this it was time to sculpt! We used clay to make our jars. It was lots of fun but very messy!
We then left our canopic jars to dry and painted them in royal, Ancient Egyptian colours.

Year 3 & 4 Tennis Coaching by Gareth Hamblin (Schools Sports’ Partnership)

For the first half of summer term 2017, Year 3 and 4 have taken part in tennis coaching by Gareth Hamblin from the Schools’ Sports Partnership.  We have all developed our skills of catching, serving and returning the ball over a net.  In the coming weeks we are hoping to send a team of Year 3 and 4 children to the Tennis Festival.  Good luck to everyone who’s involved!