Archived Nursery Class

Summer Term 2019

Summer finally arrived and the children began to make lots of new and exciting discoveries, both inside and outside. They were amazed by the magic of colour mixing and fascinated by the wonders of caterpillars and butterflies.

During P.E. they were also super proud of their ball control skills… GOAL!!

The children returned after the half term holiday eager to tell us all about all the different ice creams they had eaten. Without realising our Nursery fairy had been listening to their conversations and the next day she had changed our ‘Bakers Shop’ into an ‘Ice cream Parlour.’

From this the children decided they would like to have a real ‘Ice Cream Factory’ for all of their ‘Marvellous Men’ to celebrate Father’s Day. What a good idea!

We would also like to share with you all the other summer fun we had in Nursery during the term.

Spring Term 2019

We would like to share with you all the fun we have had in Nursery during the spring term.

After the half term holiday all of the children came back interested in castles, knights, dragons, kings and princesses. We also welcomed the author Adam Bushnell who took all the children on a mythical dragon adventure.

During the first half of the term the children took the lead in their learning after showing a keen interest in baking cakes and penguins! This led to our role play area having a makeover and becoming a bakery-Mmmm and all of us going on an imaginative adventure all the way to Antarctica- Bbbrrr!


Autumn Term 2018

Throughout this term we have had lots to celebrate and be thankful for. We have welcomed new children and learned how marvellous we all are from our head to our toes!

At the beginning of this half term a group of children pretended to be ‘slimy monsters’ all the way from ‘Outer Space.’ They had great fun making costumes and designing their own monster masks. During that week we also had an unexpected visitor from a galaxy far, far away…an alien called Boris who was looking for his son Boz. Did we help him? Yes we did!

The Nursery children helped to make missing posters by asking Boris lots of questions about Boz. Luckily it wasn’t too long before they found him hiding in the classroom. But where was his mother? They all wanted to know. One child had the idea of ringing her on Boris’s phone, so they looked at the numbers and dialed. Boree answered the phone and she was so happy we had helped find her family just in time for Boz’s 3rd birthday. All of the children were immediately making birthday cards and banners. We even went to the shop with a shopping list so that we could make lots of monster cakes. Everybody had a great time before we waved them off in their hot-dog space ship.

All the fun of aliens brought us to bonfire night when we all shared our experiences through painting firework pictures and designing rockets. Also in the weeks leading up to Christmas we talked about the importance of ‘Remembrance Day’ and ‘Children in Need’ as well as many more activities…

Finally towards the end of the half term we began celebrating Christmas and after weeks of rehearsals and singing all of the Early Years produced an amazing Nativity production. Well done to everybody and thank you to all those who came to support their little super stars.

Spring Term 2018

Throughout the spring term we all had lots of opportunities to experience the cold of winter in nursery. We shared snowy stories, discovered interesting facts about animals that live in cold countries and most importantly had lots of fun in the snow outside.

We also enjoyed celebrating Valentines Day, Chinese New Year, World Book Day.

Finally we ended the term with the feel of spring in the air with slightly warmer weather and Easter just around the corner.

Autumn Term 2 2017

At the beginning of this half term a group of children pretended to be ‘slimey monsters’ all the way from ‘Outer Space.’ They had great fun making costumes and designing their own monster masks. During that week we also had an unexpected visitor from a galaxy far, far away…an alien called Boris who was looking for his son Boz. Did we help him? Yes we did!

The Nursery children helped to make missing posters by asking Boris lots of questions about Boz. Luckily it wasn’t too long before they found him hiding in the classroom. But where was his mother? They all wanted to know. One child had the idea of ringing her on Boris’s phone, so they looked at the numbers and dialed. Boree answered the phone and she was so happy we had helped find her family just in time for Boz’s 3rd birthday. All of the children were immediately making birthday cards and banners. We even went to the shop with a shopping list so that we could make lots of monster cakes. Everybody had a great time before we waved them off in their hotdog space ship.

All the fun of aliens brought us to bonfire night when we all shared our experiences through painting firework pictures and designing rockets. Also in the weeks leading up to Christmas we talked about the importance of ‘Remembrance Day’ and ‘Children in Need’ as well as many more activities…

Finally towards the end of the half term we began celebrating Christmas and after weeks of rehearsals and singing all of the Early Years produced an amazing Nativity production. Well done to everybody and thank you to all those who came to support their little super stars.

Autumn Term 1 2017

Marvellous Me

We have welcomed back many familiar smiley faces after our summer holidays as well as introduced new children to all the fun of Nursery. During this half term we have been celebrating how ‘marvellous’ we all are and sharing photographs of our families and special times. We have really loved learning all about each and every one of you.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears & Going on a Bear Hunt

Alongside ‘Marvellous Me’ the children have also been excited and eager to join in ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’. They have re-enacted the stories, retold them to their friends and even taken bear bags home to share with their families.

Changing of the Seasons

At this time of year all of the children begin showing genuine excitement and awareness of the changing season from summer to autumn. Many children have brought in natural treasures that they have found such as conkers, pine cones and different coloured leaves. We have also joined in with the whole school to say thank you to God for all of the gifts of harvest. We have even harvested our own fruit from our apple and pear trees and made the most delicious apple tarts.

We would also like to say a huge thank you to everybody who came to our ‘Stay and Play’. It was lovely to hear the children singing and then sharing lots of autumnal activities with friends and family.

Summer Term

Over the last few weeks the children have been nature detectives, discovering how many minibeasts live in the early years garden. We have looked closely through magnifying glasses at spiders, worms, snails, caterpillars and many, many more. They then used their own experiences to create some fantastic habitats and creative pieces of work.

Alongside all of the exploring and investigating we have also seen lots of other fantastic learning taking place and lovely friendships shared.

Nursery Sports Day

The sun shone and all of our children arrived ready for action. Well done Nursery for a fantastic Sports Day. On your marks, get set, GO!!

Jack and the Beanstalk

We came back from our Easter holidays to find a huge envelope, an enormous parrot and a bag of magic beans. Who could have send them to Nursery?

After reading the huge letter inside the envelope we discovered the Giant was going on his summer holidays and was asking if we could help take care of ‘Poppy’ the parrot. He warned us to watch out for Jack in case he came to take her golden eggs.

All of the children were so excited! This led us to finding out all about Jack and the Beanstalk. Look at all the fun we had…