
At St. John’s C of E Primary School, we inspire our children to have a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.  The Geography topics we cover build a knowledge of diverse places, people and resources and allows the children to have a greater knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live, and the Earth’s physical and human processes.

Our Geography curriculum helps our children develop a range of investigation skills to help them find out information for tasks and begin to understand the impact humans have on the world.

We are committed to providing children with opportunities to learn about the local area, County Durham and the surrounding localities of the North East.  We desire to develop a real sense of who they are, their heritage and what makes our local area unique and special.  We are also developing the children’s ability to apply geographical skills to enable them to confidently communicate their findings and geographical understanding to a range of audiences.

In Early Years we aim to develop an awareness of their local environment and slowly move away in other key stages to look at places further afield.  We use various maps, atlases and online resources to help the children locate where our country is in relation to others and helps them get an understanding of how big our world is.

In Key Stage 2, we have daily class discussions and watch Newsround, enabling the children to explore and challenge what is happening in our world.

We are developing our links with other agencies to extend and enrich learning.  We are members of The Geographical Association and are currently planning work with The Wear Rivers Trust.  We have also joined with Historic England, English Heritage and The Friends of Stockton and Darlington Railway in order to be involved in ongoing local Geography projects.  Through these links, our children now have access to previously unseen high quality maps to further develop their geographical enquiry.

Subject Plan

You can view or download the subject plan by clicking the link below.

Geography Curriculum Progression