These digital resources are free for parents to use. There are three different online courses depending upon the circumstances of the family.
Arguing better
An online course to help parents communicate better with each other. Parents will learn where stress comes from and how it can affect them, ways to recognise stress and talk about it, how to support each other through difficult times and what causes arguments and how to stop them.
Getting it right for children
An online course for parents that are separated or considering separation to help manage conflict and minimise the impact on children. Parents will learn how to stay calm and listen as well as talk, why it’s helpful to see things from a different point of view, what to do to stop a discussion from turning into an argument and skills for finding solutions and making compromises.
Getting it right for children course flyer
Me, You and baby too
An online course for new and expectant parents. Parents will learn what their baby picks up before they are born, why stress should be a shared burden, how they can support each other, how to talk to bring up difficult topics and how arguments start and how to stop them.
Me You and Baby too course flyer